Saturday, December 4, 2010

Me oh My oh Madsen!

This morning I did a family photoshoot, and it was grand. 
I took 1016 pictures, which is my new record. 
The twist?
I used a Nikon.
yeahhhh... I had another battery fiasco, but luckily there is an angel in my ward, 
and her name is kelsey. 
She let me use her wonderful little camera, and it went very verryyy smoothly!
Thanks again Sister Navasard. (HAHA)
Here is a sneak peeeeeek at the beautiful wonderful exciting 
Madsen Family!
look at these beauties!

ella's face. i love iiiit

not an ugly one in the bunch!

my mare bear! I just love her to pieces!

Abster. she's the bomb shiz. STRAIGHT UP G!



the boyyyys

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