Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Robison Family

This is Dana and Mark. They lived in the same apartment complex as my parents when they were both first married, then they moved away. across the street from each other. this family is hilarious, and a bit scary :) Meet the Robisons!

Dana: "I don't care if we don't get a good smiling one with the boys" ... she knew that would never happen :)

Natalie and Erik are PERFECT for each other, and shall be married in the summer! (ish)

he's single, ladies.

and the grand finale!


  1. ERIK BONDEHAGEN! our entire ward gazes at that beautiful couple and admires their awesomeness every sacrament meeting. they're so precious. and erik and i were on the same committee until he had his last week at our ward. and our committee shed some tears about it.

  2. arwww. soo cute! isn't family just the best? my broke apart a few years ago but it's fine and i have a great family of friends... sooo

    another thing...
    i am doing a blog-representation on my blog and it would be such an honor for me if you leave a comment and be a part of this... <3
